"Hi, I'm Sewing Room, and I am Brown."

"I am the Pit of Despair. I am brown in mid-winter in Michigan."

"Hi. I'm Greg and this has been my paint outfit for over a decade. My sprayer has a motor that is so loud and obnoxious I must wear earplugs. This, of course makes it superior to any paint brush or roller."

"My name is Primer Coat. I'm the only one that does any real work around here."

"Hi, I'm Funky C. I chose this paint color and won't be happy until my entire house is painted green. Then I'll be happy for 10 minutes. Then it will be time to paint everything lavender."

"Anybody notice us? We're the corkboard wall. We and our brethren, the pegboard panels, united in rebellion against green and have chosen to be white. Pegboard gets white paint, we get white burlap. Don't get pushy, or we'll ask for better insurance."

"Hi. I'm the eyeballs. Please send me sunglasses to cut the glare. Shees, you'd think it was June in Texas, not January in Michigan."

Wow!! Glad to see I am not the only one fighting the blahs of Michigan winter (gray, gray and more gray)with bright paint. I will have to post a picture of the repainted rec room!
This is so exciting!
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