Well, it's happened. I've recieved a note from a faithful reader politely asking, 'Where ARE you, woman?!?' Does keeping a blog mean I have to be wacky and consistant at the same time? No! May it never be! How 'bout consistantly wacky? Will you still love me?
You know, my family claims I have my own time zone: CST. Cathy Standard Time. I prefer to think of myself as devoid of time. I like to move through the moment unrestricted by such things as watches, time limits, or deadlines. I use time like I use caffeine: when the situation dictates it's use. Keeping my body caffeine free means that drinking coffee when I need a jolt really works. Two cups of coffee turns me into a Hamster on Speed. Time is the same way. I use it when necessary.
In the words of Edna Mole, 'I NEVER look back, dahling. It detracts from the Now.'
So, where have I been? Wandering. Not without purpose, though. And my rambling has been all fiber, all the time (with a little dash of swimming and hangin' out). Just to further warp time, I'll be sharing these experiences backwards, or maybe out of order. Yes, I read magazines backwards too.
Let's start with 'out of order':

For me, it's tie dye season. You're looking at a portion of a fifty shirt order, waiting to be washed. The t-shirt gig, no matter how simple the tie, is hard work. But I love it! Love to watch those colors bleed into perfect, white shirts.
Here's a stack of finished shirts:

This order is done and at the silk screener's right now. Will let you know how it turns out.
Really cool shirts. Love your explanation for not blogging.
Welcome back. I missed your special brand of zaniness!
Oh thank goodness you're back. I was so tired of looking at your silly smirk in that ridiculous dress! Now, wait? You do t-shirts as a business? For who? What will be silk screened on them? How did you get started doing that? Tell me more!
I was about to declare AWOL. (not that means anything..).
Now, wait a minute... you make custom ordered tshirts?? or custom dye works?? For whom?
See....nagging DOES work......{snort}......Can I help it if I missed you??
teri (guilty as charged)
those are 50 really lucky red-and-yellow-tie-dye-lovin people.
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