Secondly, I'm checking in to report:

This is a quilt for my friend Connie. The top is from a round robin we did ages ago. She had it all basted and on a lark, I started quilting it at her house one day. Connie and I are going to IQA in Chicago this week and I'm determined to have the quilting finished before I leave (plus a rod pocket and a hanging bar, if my husband is willing).
Photographing machine quilting in anything other than natural daylight is tough for me, but here's the best I can do:

The yellow applique section is all one thread color. I, the unsuspecting---and ever optimistic--quilter, realized how close I cut it after I walked around my sewing table:

Yet another panic trip to Joanne's avoided!
Third in line:

I also owe Connie's husband a long overdue project. This fabulous (and dyed by moi) fabric will be made into cushions for his very artful willow furniture. I plan to make an equally elegant leaf motif centered in the top third of the back cushion. Pray for me, cuz' I want to get it done too before I leave. These are people that have proven their friendship through gracious patience...and that's understating a bit.
It is a personal goal for me to tidy up loose sewing projects for other people this year. There are several--a couple quite large--and I need to get it over with. My own long forgotten projects don't count. And I also vowed to blog regularly this year....obviously that's not going my way so far. My only consistant quality is inconsistancy and it's going to take some sweat to change that.
In other Funky C news:
-I got a lucky, last minute spot in a Jane Dunnewold 'Improvisational Silk Screening' class. The driving time was longer than the class time, but worth every mile.
-Fabrications 2006 (a fiber arts retreat in Northern Michigan) is open and accepting registration. Our teachers this year are Laura Cater-Woods, Pamela Allen, and Jeanne Beck. Plus we're offering an open studio. Ya'll come and hang out with me!
-My taxes are done. I am so relieved.
-I've learned how to use a drop spindle and *love* it. My goal: hand dyed sock yarn.
And now, boys and girls, it's time for me to go to bed. Guten Nacht!
Nice to have you back. We'll just pretend we skipped right over March (oh, you DID)...I can't- eldest son was 22 on the 22nd.
Have fun in Chicago. Have extra fun, just for me. You are going to LOVE Jane's class. I can't believe you got in!!
See if you can get her to Fabrications 2007!!
You should expand your retreat area....Henderson Castle in Kalamazoo is now a B & B and has plenty of room to do a nice retreat......and it is so cool!!
You have no idea how much you were missed. I look forward to my daily update of As the World of Arnett Turns.....
Sweetie, it's 2 hours from April 25...I KNOW you've got lots to tell...where you been??
"Anyone Still Reading?"
I'm almost finished with this entry .
Thanks for waiting !!
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